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Red Flags to Look for When Interviewing for a Tech Job

Job seeking can be a tricky business. You can’t necessarily afford to be too picky, but it’s essential to carefully consider what a company has to offer as you sit down for the interview process.

It can be easy to write off a negative review about a company, but sometimes a word of warning should be taken as a big red flag to stay away entirely.

Wondering when you should feel uneasy while interviewing for a tech job? Here’s a short list of red flags to watch out for during the process.

  1. Employees Who Are Not on the Ball for the Interview: While hunting for job in the tech world, pay close attention to any company employees you speak with or meet for an interview. See if they are engaged in what you have to say and are interested in learning more about you. A sense of disinterest can signify a few things. The company might just be looking to bring you on for the short term, or it could point towards a challenging culture where it’s hard to fit in.
  2. Running Into Pitfalls While Preparing: It’s always smart to do background research on a company before going in for an interview. While no tech firm is going to be perfect, a string of bad reviews or online criticisms might indicate there are bigger issues than just a few disgruntled ex-employees. Is the company active on social media and regularly posting relevant content? Have employees you find on LinkedIn worked at the company for a while? Doing a bit of background research can go a long way towards identifying red flags with a company.
  3. Vagueness With Expectations: Any good hiring manager is going to present prospective hires with a clear list of job perks, expectations and larger responsibilities. If there’s any vagueness in a tech job description or information about the company, it might be a sign the business is unsure of what they want you to be doing. Working under hazy expectations can quickly turn into a nightmare. Plus, a company that is unable to give you concise answers might signify a culture that’s not the most appealing.

Searching for a new tech job, but keep running into red flags when you interview?

At Morton, we can help. We understand you have a unique set of skills and Morton has worked alongside countless candidates to match them with companies that are a good fit. Call us today at 804-290-4272 to get started.
