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Research for a Job Interview

One of the most important aspects of your job search is research. No, I’m not saying you need to do a 25 page research paper. However, you should thoroughly research the company you’re interviewing with so you’re knowledgeable on the business and their industry.  This will help you respond seamlessly to questions about the company during your interview and give you a leg up over other candidates.

After researching the company, develop a few questions to ask during your interview. Having questions prepared will make you seem interested and engaged and employers are looking at candidates that have done that extra work. It would also be helpful to thoroughly look through the position description and ask any necessary questions about the job requirements. That way, both you and the employer are clear on what will be required of you and you gain a better understanding to the full scope of the position. Bring the description with you with questions already written down on certain things highlighted to remind you.

Now, you may be thinking, “I can’t just walk in with papers flopping around.” You’re right, you shouldn’t. Invest in a nice, leather padfolio to store your notes in as well as resumes and any business cards you’re given during the interview. Also, most padfolio’s come with a legal pad inside so you will be able to jot down notes or additional details about the position.

While you probably thought you were done doing research when you finished school, this really is a crucial part of the interview process. If you want to ace your interview, following these steps will help you achieve that.  Like your Mom always said, doing your homework always pay offs.


Ryan Campbell
Associate Recruiter
Author of Spicy Richmond
