Here at Morton Consulting, we are always seeking new ways to integrate new technologies into our day-to-day business practices. That being said, we pride ourselves on our face-to-face interviews and building personal relationships with our clients and consultants.
Tools have come and gone in the recruiting industry as technology continues to evolve and advance. It wasn’t that long ago when recruiters would have to spend countless hours faxing and sorting through paper resumes. Today there is little doubt that social media has profoundly affected how recruiters go about sourcing and researching potential candidates. There is one 19th Century tech tool still in use, the telephone. A case can be made that the telephone still tops the list of ‘must have’ tools, but once again advances in technology are challenging that claim.
While in-person interviews will always be our goal, sometimes travel distance and conflicting schedules make them difficult to coordinate. Video conferencing and interviewing are providing a new recruiting landscape.
Our Morton Consulting recruiters are utilizing video calling software such as FaceTime and Skype for interviews. FaceTime is a video calling option for Apple products – primarily the iPhone 4, but also available on the Mac and iPad2. Skype is originally a desktop-based video calling system, but now available on the iPhone and the Android as well.
These video calling options allow recruiters to contact a larger range of potential clients and consultants by eliminating the issue of traveling to the office.
Experts at Social Media Examiner recently rated FaceTime the #1 way to engage with customers using video in this list of tips. The video component allows it to substitute as a face-to-face meeting, which is critical in the consulting world.
We are excited to incorporate this technology into our interview process at Morton Consulting.